Upcoming events
2025-03-29 19:00 - 2025-03-29 20:30
A wonderful evening of mediumship tonight
All are invited to this special evening event.
Entrance £5.00 Raffle £1.00 - Please pay at the door.
2025-04-26 19:00 - 2025-04-26 20:30
A wonderful evening of mediumship tonight
All are invited to this special evening event.
Entrance £5.00 Raffle £1.00 - Please pay at the door.
2025-05-24 19:00 - 2025-05-24 20:30
A wonderful evening of mediumship tonight
All are invited to this special evening event.
Entrance £5.00 Raffle £1.00 - Please pay at the door.
2025-06-28 19:00 - 2025-06-28 20:30
A wonderful evening of mediumship tonight
All are invited to this special evening event.
Entrance £5.00 Raffle £1.00 - Please pay at the door.
2025-07-26 19:00 - 2025-07-26 20:30
A wonderful evening of mediumship tonight
All are invited to this special evening event.
Entrance £5.00 Raffle £1.00 - Please pay at the door.
2025-08-30 19:00 - 2025-08-30 20:30
A wonderful evening of mediumship tonight
All are invited to this special evening event.
Entrance £5.00 Raffle £1.00 - Please pay at the door.
2025-09-01 18:30 - 2025-09-01 21:00
All are welcome to attend our healing clinic to help with healing the mind ,body or spirit. You wish to have a top up just to keep some peace and calm to your busy week.
Weekly healing sessions are available , each session is approximately 20-25 minutes ,the last healing session will be 8.30pm.
The healing clinic is held between : 6.30-9 pm. The Centre is a disabled friendly building.
Our Healing team generously give their time freely.
Donations are gratefully received.
2025-09-08 18:30 - 2025-09-08 21:00
All are welcome to attend our healing clinic to help with healing the mind ,body or spirit. You wish to have a top up just to keep some peace and calm to your busy week.
Weekly healing sessions are available , each session is approximately 20-25 minutes ,the last healing session will be 8.30pm.
The healing clinic is held between : 6.30-9 pm. The Centre is a disabled friendly building.
Our Healing team generously give their time freely.
Donations are gratefully received.
2025-09-15 18:30 - 2025-09-15 21:00
All are welcome to attend our healing clinic to help with healing the mind ,body or spirit. You wish to have a top up just to keep some peace and calm to your busy week.
Weekly healing sessions are available , each session is approximately 20-25 minutes ,the last healing session will be 8.30pm.
The healing clinic is held between : 6.30-9 pm. The Centre is a disabled friendly building.
Our Healing team generously give their time freely.
Donations are gratefully received.
2025-09-22 18:30 - 2025-09-22 21:00
All are welcome to attend our healing clinic to help with healing the mind ,body or spirit. You wish to have a top up just to keep some peace and calm to your busy week.
Weekly healing sessions are available , each session is approximately 20-25 minutes ,the last healing session will be 8.30pm.
The healing clinic is held between : 6.30-9 pm. The Centre is a disabled friendly building.
Our Healing team generously give their time freely.
Donations are gratefully received.