A wonderful evening of mediumship tonight with a dear friend of the Cedars Rosemary Hunting
All are invited to this special evening event.
Entrance £5.00 Raffle £1.00 – Please pay at the door.
A wonderful evening of mediumship tonight with a dear friend of the Cedars Rosemary Hunting
All are invited to this special evening event.
Entrance £5.00 Raffle £1.00 – Please pay at the door.
Presented by Keith Goodwin 10am – 2pm £35
The womb and birthing experience of the growing baby lay foundations when facing challenges ahead where the growing infant’s needs are not
fully met.
Through practical exercises and energy work, this workshop will deepen awareness and understanding about the nature of the inner child and
take steps towards healing any emotional pain held within .
To book please contact Keith on the information below
Keith Goodwin (Healing Alchemy) 07846246782
keith@healingalchemy2012.co.uk www.healingalchemy2012.co.uk
Please bring your own lunch , refreshments will be provided.
This evening will be held for those who have previously trained on a Mediumship course and wish to continue with your development.
To book please use the function date of 8th October to pay monthly or for the full course and add to cart.
Held on the 2nd and 4th of each month 7-9pm. Please bring your journal and pen.
This is a closed group only .
This evening will be held for those who have previously trained on a Mediumship course and wish to continue with your development.
from 7-9pm
To book please use the function date of 8th October 2024 to pay monthly or for the full course and add to cart.
To be held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month.
This is a closed group only .
A wonderful evening of mediumship tonight with Penny , we look forward to a spirit filled night.
All are invited to this special evening event.
Entrance £5.00 Raffle £1.00 – Please pay at the door.
Come along for our get together “Afternoon tea” with like minded people.
From 2-4.30pm sandwiches, scones with cream and jam as well as a selection of other delicacies will be supplied.
There will be gluten free, lactose free and fruit tea alternatives available. Please notify us on booking
A maximum of 12 people so please book early.
Healer Training Course Part 1 (in person)
Description: Part 1 – Understanding Energy – covered over 2 days
More information about Healer Training visit: www.thehealingtrust.org.uk
Date: Day 2 on Saturday 14th September 2024
Time: 10am -5.00pm
Location: The Cedars Centre, Kesgrave, Ipswich, Suffolk
Please contact me for a full breakdown of course fees, times and dates.
Host: Licenced Tutor Sandra Willis sandrawillis8@gmail.com
Kind regards Sandra
All are welcome to attend our healing clinic to help with healing the mind ,body or spirit. You wish to have a top up just to keep some peace and calm to your busy week.
Weekly healing sessions are available , each session is approximately 20-25 minutes ,the last healing session will be 8.30pm.
The healing clinic is held between : 6.30pm -9 pm. The Centre is a disabled friendly building.
Our Healing team generously give their time freely.
Donations are gratefully received.
See you next week
A wonderful evening of mediumship tonight with a dear friend Janice
All are welcome and invited to this special evening event.
Entrance £5.00 Raffle £1.00 – Please pay at the door.