Please come along for healing.
Our Healers do not charge for the healing given.
Donations are gratefully received to cover costs of room hire.
Please come along for healing.
Our Healers do not charge for the healing given.
Donations are gratefully received to cover costs of room hire.
Please come along for healing.
Our Healers do not charge for the healing given.
Donations are gratefully received to cover costs of room hire.
Please come along for healing.
Our Healers do not charge for the healing given.
Donations are gratefully received to cover costs of room hire.
Please come along for healing.
Our Healers do not charge for the healing given.
Donations are gratefully received to cover costs of room hire.
Presented by Sue Tyrrell and Karl Bottomley.
The function starts promptly at 7 pm.
Entrance fee £5.00 paid payable on night
Please come along for healing.
Our Healers do not charge for the healing given.
Donations are gratefully received to cover costs of room hire.
Please come along for healing.
Our Healers do not charge for the healing given.
Donations are gratefully received to cover costs of room hire.
Come along to our fun and light hearted Carol Service.
Free Entry,Raffle and Refreshments available.
Please come along for healing.
Our Healers do not charge for the healing given.
Donations are gratefully received to cover costs of room hire.