This evening is facilitated by Christine Guy-Clarke
Topics that shall be discussed are:
Topic 2 – “Climbing Personal Mountains” “Dealing with Fear” “Anxiety and Depression” and Ending with gratitude and thanks”
These sessions help Gain Spiritual Mastery and stay grounded during this time of evolution and rapidly rising vibrations.
Please bring along your own refreshments
This course will be held over 12 evenings , give you the tools to introduce you to Mediumship.
Learning numerous techniques of how the process works
Connect with your guide
This Course will be a closed group only
Held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month
Maximum of 8 people. Please bring your own refreshments.
Presented by Andy Mapplebeck
This presentation covers information regarding :
How numerology can indicate individual personality traits and potential.
If you wish to find out about how numbers that can affect yourself ,come along to this interesting presentation to find out more.
Please be at the Centre from 6.45 pm for a prompt 7 pm presentation.Please bring your own refreshments.
This course will be held over 12 evenings , give you the tools to introduce you to Mediumship.
Learning numerous techniques of how the process works
Connect with your guide
This Course will be a closed group only
Held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month
Maximum of 8 people. Please bring your own refreshments.
This course will be held over 12 evenings , give you the tools to introduce you to Mediumship.
Learning numerous techniques of how the process works
Connect with your guide
This Course will be a closed group only
Held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month
Maximum of 8 people. Please bring your own refreshments
This Presentation by Robert Lummis includes the topics relating to the Shaman way of life including:
The Medicine Wheel, Totem Animals, Power Animals and Shadow Animals.
If you are interested in these topics come along for an informative evening.
if you own a drum please bring with you.
Please arrive for 6.45 pm for prompt presentation at 7pm
Presented by Andy Mapplebeck:
This workshop allows you to explore your musical potential at an individual level . It gives you the opportunity to use various musical instruments which the tutor shall provide on the day. These shall be cleansed for each student prior to use.
A fun day using numerous instruments that we usually do not have in our every day lives . Please bring your own refreshments for the session.
We welcome back Wayne to our community for an evening of Mediumship.
All are welcome for a loving and light filled spiritual connection.
Entrance fee £5.00 payable on the night.
Evening starts at 7 pm and ends at 8.30 pm.
The function will be held in the Meeting Room at the Ipswich Quakers.
This course will give you the tools to achieve mindfulness in your own life.
The 12 weeks cover: the difference between being and doing ,how to live in the moment, working with your emotions,acceptance of who you are, finding peace and mindfulness, stepping back from emotion, meditation and how to detach in a loving way.
Held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month
7 – 9 pm
12 nights required to cover course
£10.00 per evening
Limited spaces ,advanced booking required
For more information email
We welcome back Peter a long standing friend of the Cedars.
All are welcome to an evening of compassion and light.
Entrance fee £5.00 payable on the night.
Evening starts at 7 pm and ends at 8.30 pm.
The function will be held in the Meeting Room at the Ipswich Quakers.