Sorry we are closed today , see you soon.
Mediumship Fledgling evening presented by Avril Brown and Sally Partridge
Tonight we hold a Fledgling Mediumship evening presented by two new mediums Avril Brown and Sally Partridge .
We look forward to this connection of love and light.
Come along for a love and fun filled evening to connect with like minded people and with your loved ones in Spirit
Entrance fee £5.00 – Raffle £1.00 -please pay on entrance.
Mediumship Evening presented by Chris Rose
Tonight we hold another Mediumship evening at the Ipswich Quakers .
We welcome Chris one of our new mediums, to our Saturday night ,we look forward to a wonderful demonstration.
Come along for a love filled evening to connect with like minded people and with your loved ones in Spirit
Entrance fee £5.00 – Raffle £1.00 -pay on the evening at the door .
Clairvoyance- An evening with Lynda Rose
Tonight we hold another Mediumship evening at the Ipswich Quakers .
We welcome back a dear friend to the Cedars Lynda Rose .
Come along for a love filled evening to connect with like minded people and with your loved ones in Spirit
Entrance fee £5.00
Raffle £1.00
Bank Holiday Queen Elizabeth Funeral Service
We wish to send our healing wishes and thoughts to the Royal family .
We are closed today as it is The Queen Elizabeth’s Funeral service .
Clairvoyance evening presented by Linda Read
We welcome Linda back to the Cedars.
All are welcome.
Function times are as follows : 7 – 8.30 pm
Entrance fee £5.00 payable on the night.
The function will be held in the Meeting Room at the Ipswich Quakers.
An evening of Mediumship presented by Greg Pettit
We welcome Greg who has served the Cedars for over 17 Years .
All are welcome to this great event ,filled with humility and kindness.
Entrance fee £5.00 payable on the night. Please bring your own refreshments.
The function shall be held in the Meeting Room at the Ipswich Quakers
Workshop-Sacred Hollow of the Earth Mother
Facilitated by Keith Goodwin
I feel many of humanity’s challenges at their very core have resulted in a disconnection from Gaia, our Earth Mother which has affected the Chakra/Energy System and deeper understanding of our relationship to the planet. All life is interconnected; we are all one, the same energy, just different aspects of being.
This Workshop is a unique space for reconnecting to the Earth’s Spiritual Energy which will include a specific Gaia/Earth Mother Meditation and also practical exercises. This is fundamental in providing an anchor which can be helpful bringing balance in day to day living plus possible further healing work on a deeper Ancestral level.
Date: Saturday 9th July
10 am-1 pm Investment £30 Please bring your own refreshments.
Venue: The Cedars Centre, 19 Main Road Kesgrave IP5 1AQ
Please book directly with Keith below.
Keith Goodwin (Healing Alchemy) 07846246782
Clairvoyance presented by June Piper
We look forward to an evening of Clairvoyance with June.
All are welcome .
Event times are as follows : 7 – 8.30 pm.
Entrance fee £5.00 payable on the night.
Raffle .
The function shall be held in The Meeting Room at The Ipswich Quakers.
Medicine Wheel workshop Cancelled by Tutor
Presented by Robert Lummis
Start time 10am Fee £50.00
This day gives you the opportunity to work with the medicine wheel and it’s elements .
Works with the animals which work with each direction.
Which animal you connect with ?
Working with the medicine wheel Mandala
Please bring your own lunch , refreshments will be supplied.
Please book early as limited numbers