
Healing Clinic 7-9pm

All are welcome to attend our healing clinic to help with healing the mind ,body or spirit. You wish to have a top up just to keep some peace and calm to your busy week.

Weekly healing sessions are available , each session is approximately 20-25 minutes ,the last healing session will be 8.30pm.

The healing clinic is held  between : 7-9 pm. We are a disabled friendly Centre.

Our Healing team generously give their time freely.

Donations are gratefully received.

Please note we shall not be open on Bank holidays 


Mediumship Evening presented by Chris Rose

Tonight we hold another Mediumship evening at the Ipswich Quakers .

We welcome Chris one of our new mediums, to our Saturday night ,we look forward to a wonderful demonstration.

Come along for a love filled evening to connect with like minded people and with your loved ones in Spirit

Entrance fee £5.00 – Raffle £1.00 -pay on the evening at the door .