Listening Skills with Anna Gilbert cancelled due to illness with be re-arranged in the autumn

2024-09-19 19:00 - 21:00
The Cedars Centre
Address: 19, Main Road, Kesgrave, Ipswich, IP5 1AQ

Anna Gilbert Qualified Counsellor B.A.C.P. holds  these  six session presentation events :

The topics covered will include :

An introduction to listening skills

What are listening skills and being able to identify which areas are necessary for this.

What is Questioning?

What is Clarification?

What is Empathy ?

What is summary and more !!!!

Please bring a notebook and  pen and a bottle of water.

For more information contact : Email: or  Mobile :07494987709


Sold 0 of 8Listening skills£10.00Listening skills 19th September 2024

Related upcoming events

  • 2024-12-06 19:00 - 2024-12-06 21:00

    Sandra Willis warmly welcomes all Healing Trust Students and Members who have completed parts
    1 & 2 of the THT healing course as it is important to have a solid foundation in healing.

    The session will start with meditation, followed by distant healing and one-to-one healing exchanges.
    The group will take place from 7pm to 9pm and there is a cost of £10.

    This group is held on the 3rd Friday of each Month (except December) at The Cedars Centre, 19 Main Road, Kesgrave IP5 1 AQ
    For more details and reserving your place please contact THT Tutor Sandra Willis on
    Thank you for considering joining us.